The Wine and Zine Anthology: Volume One

Wine and Zine are proud to present our first comic anthology, collecting five short stories from five best friends in a full colour 32-page 115gsm printed comic, signed by all five of us!
Roy And Rei Get Ice Cream by Zara Williams. Two best friends, Roy and Rei, go out for ice cream.
Rise by Jessica Leslau. Lying dormant for so long, a girl slowly begins to rise.
Defining Bi by Gemma Roberts. An autobiographical tale of discovering and learning to identify with her own sexuality.
His Voice In The Trees by Claire Spiller. Aama, a grieving mother, makes a pilgrimage to a beautiful and wild land to bury her son
Leap by Bryony Evans. Dissatisfied with village life, Lien leaves home for the first time to explore the big wide world and achieve a lifelong dream.